Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monthly Show & Tell Themes....

Photographers like to share what they've been shooting.

Or just sit back and enjoy seeing what others are doing.

Please take a moment or two to check out this talented and friendly group.

If you have a camera, or are planning to get one, these are people who love to make suggestions.

And, to show results.

The 385+ members of the local photography group suggested we add a monthly theme.

It would be optional but it's interesting to see how creative minds interpret a common topic.

Here's an entry for "DARKNESS."

The month we were illustrating "HEAT" I appeared to really suffer for my art.

Actually the bottle was sealed and Photoshop was used to "open" it. The flow of orange molten lava also was added later.

I did splash water on my face to simulate sweat.

Rigging a mini-studio set up, I crafted a picture using a small realistic model Volkswagen.

Then I created a cloud of smoke - as in an overheated engine - and positioned it rising from the open front hood.

Several members were kind enough to point out that the VW has an air-cooled engine.

And the motor is in the back.

Well, duh. That was the joke part of my theme photo.

[Click - twice - on the photos to see more detail.

Digital is fantastic!]

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